A Nidhi company, is one that belongs to the non-banking Indian finance sector and is recognized under section 406 of the Companies Act, 2013. Their core business is borrowing and lending money between their members.
Nidhi means a company which has been incorporated as a Nidhi with the object of-Cultivating the habit of thrift and savings amongst its members, receiving deposits from, and lending to, its members only, for their mutual benefit, and Which complies with rules of Chapter XXVI of Companies Rules, 2014.
The companies doing Nidhi business, viz. borrowing from members and lending to members only, are known under different names such as Nidhi, Permanent Fund, Benefit Funds, Mutual Benefit Funds and Mutual Benefit Company.
Incorporation of Nidhi Company limited is similar to incorporation of Public Limited Company. But it requires certain other declarations as well
All the prospective directors have to apply for Digital signature and DIN. Digital signature is an online signature used for filing and DIN refer to Directors Identification number issued by MCA. If the directors already have DSC and DIN, then this step can be skipped
2. Application for Name approval
Up to 4 name option can be given in 1 RUN (Reserve Unique Name) name approval request. Provide maximum 4 names in order of priority for your company name for approval of MCA of which one will be selected. Names provided should ideally be unique and suggestive of company business.
3. Company Registration Form & MOA & AOA Submission
4. Get incorporation certificate:
Once MOA and AOA are approved, company incorporation certificate is issued by MCA on submission of all the above-mentioned documents to the ROC. On arrival of the company incorporation certificate, your company is registered. Incorporation certification is a proof that company has been created. It also includes your CIN number.
5. Apply for PAN, TAN and Bank account:
The moment company is incorporated, application for PAN & TAN needs to be made with NSDL. Then you need to apply for PAN and TAN Post this, for opening of bank account submit the Incorporation certificate, MOA, AOA and PAN along with resolution with a bank to open your bank account.
Company Registration package includes:
For starting a new company, you have to have minimum 3 directors and 7 shareholders and need to register the company as a limited company imder Companies Act,2013
Section 406 of the Companies Act 2013 govern Nidhi Companies & RBI Act govern NBFC. It belongs to the nonbanking Indian finance sector.
Nidhi companies are allowed to take a deposit from its members and lend to its members only. Therefore, the funds contributed for a Nidhi company are only from its members (shareholders) and used only by the shareholders of the Nidhi Company.
No, only the members are allowed to deposit, borrow or lend funds
Any Individual can become members of the Nidhi.
Nidhi can accept deposits not exceeding 20 times of its net owned assets.